Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Porno Barbie?

SITUATION: Toy maker Mattel is filing a lawsuit against a pornographic website for a model who call herself "China Barbie."

OBJECTIVES: As the representatives of Mattel, we want to make sure that the public knows that we will not stand for this degrading representation of our product, and that we maintain a clean image for the Mattel company.

AUDIENCE: We want to directly target our main target consumers, such as familes and children between the ages of 4 and 12. Also we want to target the stores that are selling our product as well as the general public.

STRATEGY: We will go with the strategy that affects the general public the best, which is through giant media sources such as large newspaper corporations and television stations. Mattel is a large corporate company, so we will have the ability to do this.

TACTICS: We will put articles in the newspaper documenting our trial against the website, and we will also have several televised news releases that will reinforce the sincerity of Mattel's clean and youth orientated image.

TIMETABLE: Approximately one day after news of the website goes public, and however long after that it takes to finish the lawsuit against them.

METHOD OF EVALUATION: For our method of evaluation, we will do online as well as in-store surveys to see if people's perception of the company has changed. We will also check sales records to make sure that our sales have not dropped since the website was made public.

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